MunchiesForYou (PTY) Ltd. is a company registered in the Republic of South Africa under the registration number 2020/270421/07.

The company operates a platform under the registered domain of, en selfs

The initial idea was to create a local marketplace for Chefs to offer their Healthy, Delicious, Nutritious, Homemade meals. A place to get together, list their unique menus, benefit from combined marketing, and create a type of homemade meals community, as they call it. However, it was later decided to expand into even more food-related services, such as birthday cakes, snacks and platters, catered functions, meat spit rotisserie (bet you didn’t know that term, spitbraai as we better know it here in South Africa), BBQs (braais as we South Africans are so famous for), and so the list of possibilities just continues.

One of us was surfing the internet one day and stumbled upon something, which to this day we still can’t remember what it was exactly, but then we thought, “Why not create an online community for homemade meals?” We then searched the internet and could find nothing of the kind. There are marketplace-type platforms out there, but most deal with commodities like properties for sale or short-term rentals, or vehicle sales, and so the Munchies4U idea was born. It seems to be not only a South African first, but also a world first. The next step was a company name, and that would need to be closely based on the domain name we thought, but was the domain name a challenge in itself, as the domain space is so congested, and with mostly dormant domains. We then tried to purchase two domain names we thought would work well from their current owners, but both attempts led to no avail. Then there was an idea:, and as it turned out, the domain name was available, so we decided to go with that.

We then started putting some time into documenting a business plan and researching a couple of things on how to best do this, until one of us (a mother of two youngsters) asked the question, “Why can’t we include things like birthday cakes, as I’m always struggling to find them?”, and we all paused.

If it can be expanded to birthday cakes, why stop there? The business plan was edited after some more research was conducted, and then we got stuck on the domain name again. would be a bit limiting, as it kind of ties things down to a meals only concept, and so the search started again until someone asked, “What about MunchiesForYou?” Not bad, we thought, and then another one of us, being a rather Afrikaans candidate, asked, “Maar hoekom dan nie ook ‘n Afrikaanse weergawe nie, want ek weet van baie tannies wat dit doen?”. With that being asked and thought over a few times, we decided to register the domain, as the Munchies part kind of has the same meaning in both English and Afrikaans. But with South Africa having 14 official languages, the last time we checked, it was decided to stop at just the two, as 98% of the South African population and certainly 100% of the probable user base will be able to understand and use the platform in either.

Die platvorm sal vir eers net in Engels beskibaar wees, en op ‘n later stadium moontelik na Afrikaans vertaal word. Maar word tans outomaties herlei na

And so, with that all being put down by pen on paper (as the ancient saying goes), the platform known as Munchies4U was born.

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